Welcome on my homepage...
You may contact me at website-at-kuester.mobi if you like.
Travel Reports
If you are looking for my travel reports: I decided that after almost a decade time has come to take them offline... :-)
Academic Material
My academic profile is not updated anymore but (currently) still available if you are looking for papers or other material...
There are two tools available on this page offered for your convenience if you like but without any warranty:
Coordinate-to-OSM-Tile allows to conveniently convert a geographical region
to a list of OSM tiles in Computerteddy's world file tile system.
No clue what this is about? Check out Computerteddy's OSM user page...
Google Route Map Creator provides a graphical user interface to conveniently create
custom Javascript based Google Maps that can be embedded in arbitrary websites. It can also be used to plan road trips
or other map based endeavors. Actually, I once used it to plan a hike up to Mount Dikti on Crete based on Google's
satellite imagery...